This project involved the installation of 30 solar powered water points throughout Lupane and Nkayi districts. Each water point had a solar pump, tank on a metal stand, drinking water taps with concrete apron and soak away, cast concrete livestock drinking trough, fodder irrigation plot and a pipe leading to the nearby dip tank. Each point is servicing on average 250 people (7 500 in total) and in excess of 500 cattle drinking daily so is providing water for 15 000 head. The area covered is 100km x 170km so 17000km2 which proved to be a logistical challenge as many roads had to be made ourselves to get to some of the points. The scheme was meant to be a pilot project and already due to its success is likely to be introduced throughout Southern Africa. Each system delivers a minimum of 25 000 litres a day depending on the borehole yield. The cast concrete drinking troughs have a lifespan in excess of 20 years but are difficult to build as they require 6 tonnes of building material.

